Some people said, love makes the world go round.
And some people said, music makes the world go round.
While most people said, money makes the world go round.
But according to
this article, denial makes the world go round.
Denial. Hurm. Every now and then, we would always find ourselves stuck in a denial so thick it blinded us from the reality. Denial is an escapism. Escapism from the harsh reality that we are facing. We need some denial in our lives, I believe. Anything to help us to go by every single second of our lives. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it's not a bad thing either. If being in denial could keep us happy, then so be it. But extreme denial is not a way of living. Extreme denial spells trouble. We have to remember that in life, there's always a line, a rule which we must adhere to.
When there's trouble, when there's tragedy, denial could help us to go on with our own lives. Time heals, some people say, but time will never make the memory fade away. Well, maybe it could, but that could take at least a century. There are things in life I'd rather forget than dwell upon. There are things in life I cherish a whole lot more than other. There are people in my life that I love more than myself. And if being in denial could at least make this people happy and safe, I have nothing against it.
But always, always, we could never ever deny one thing in our lives. We could never, ever deny LOVE.